To be or not to be for National team of Serbia

Can’t remember such a frustration in Serbian Basketball for a years as all we expect tonight’s decisive game in Qualifications for EuroBasket 2013 in Slovenia.
Because of bad presentation in last 9 games, Serbia came in such unpleasant situation, to fight for last five tickets for EuroBasket 2013, together with 8 other National teams.
We will not talk about calculations and possibilities, as there are pretty much options for all 9 teams.
It is pretty dramatic situation in Serbian Basketball these days as most of Basketball fans criticized Coach Dusan Ivkovic and players for this situation.
Serbian Basketball legends also talked about this and said their opinion about situation and possible causes.
Reading discussion boards and forums a lot, it is possible to see this anger of Serbian Basketball fans culminated with this last defeat against Estonia.
Some of fans rejected call of Dusan Ivkovic for support in last decisive game in Pionir Sport hall, stating that they don’t care anymore.
Another part will give their endless support but asking for answers, what caused such a situation for Serbian National team.
Part of fans blame Milos Teodosic directly, as he looked many times as he doesn’t really care for anything he doing on the court.
Part of fans blame Coach Dusan Ivkovic for bad relations with some of players, and believe that this could be a main reason for bad results.
Some believe that due to his ego, Dusan Ivkovic didn’t invite some of players for this Qualifications (Darko Milicic and others).
Whatever reasons are for such a terrible results and situation to fight for EuroBasket ticket in last game, Serbian Basketball need changes as soon as possible.
Even I believe that Serbian National team will qualify to EuroBasket, at least as third team in Group A, it is urgent to make big changes after Qualifications.
Maybe it is time for Coach Dusan Ivkovic to retire. No doubt, he is legendary coach, one of the best Serbian coaches, but he is 70 years old, and I believe it is enough.
Serbian National team needs fresh blood and they need to do some changes. Also, it is necessary to see about players.
Obviously, some of them didn’t do everything they could in this Qualifications and Serbian Basketball federation should do some cuts as soon as possible.
It is better to play without “stars” but with 12 guys who are ready to “die” on the court and represent own country in the best possible way.
It is unbelievable that some of players play fantastic roles for their clubs, but for National team not even 50% of their abilities.
However, alert bell is ringing, and we will see what will happen tonight and after this decisive and one of the most important games for Serbian National team in maybe last decade.
I just hope so that Serbian players knows how this game is important and that we can expect real fight, or at least all we who will come to Pionir Sport hall tonight.