Dismissed EuroBasket doping speculations
Two days ago some rumors appeared on some sport media in Lithuania and across the Europe that two players were found positive on doping control during EuroBasket 2011 in Lithuania.
Rumors said that two players, members of National teams of Spain and another one from National team of F.Y.R. of Macedonia were positive since they had some “above the norm” substances in their organisms. It was even said that statement coming from Lithuanian anti-doping agency.
Today, FIBA Europe issued statement that those rumors are dismissed and that FIBA would be the first instance who should be informed about cases like this during EuroBasket 2011.
In this statement, they also said that EuroBasket 2011 in Lithuania been claimed as one of the cleanest and one of the best as well Basketball events ever organized.
When I am thinking about this, first I can’t believe that someone may say something like this and even worst publish such a fake informations in media. Source from Lithuania who published those rumors should be warned about spreading fake informations and I am sure that National Federations of Spain and F.Y.R of Macedonia will issue their statement soon about those rumors.
Why someone would spread such unconfirmed rumors? Spain won gold medal, F.Y.R. of Macedonia had the best ever results on EuroBasket, and according different official sources this EuroBasket been organized at the best possible way.
We will probably hear more about this in next days. On some forums and discussion boards fans commenting this like “no, it wasn’t doping in EuroBasket, or better say, they didn’t find it.”