Basketball News from Jordan – Focus on Fundamentals!

By Coach Joao Da Costa

Coach Gheith Najjar is a well known and respected coach in Jordan He coached many years in Division 1 in the Jordanian Basketball league. He is now the Secretary General of the Jordan Basketball Federation. Coach Najjar is concerned with developing youth players and growing a good basketball league in Jordan. His main focus is to implant the fundamental and help the coaches to understand the new basketball. We need a lot Coach Najjar’s around the World – he is thinking the right way and we can expect the Jordanian Basketball to improve. In his position of Secretary General he is bringing in coaches that can teach and develop players’ individual skills. Coach Najjar is taking the steps to revolutionize basketball in Jordan and take their basketball to another level. We hope Coach Najjar succeeds with his ideas, and not only help the Jordanians but inspire the rest of the Middle East. Hoops Universe wishes Coach Najjar the best of luck!

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