Jasmin Repesa Croatia NT coach for second time

It is confirmed at Thursday, February 9 2012, that Jasmin Repesa will be Head coach of Croatia National team.
Board of Croatian Basketball Federation decided to select Jasmin Repesa for second time to coach National team of Croatia.
Even they had four main candidates, beside Jasmin Repesa there were Neven Spahija, Velimir Perasovic and Aleksandar Petrovic, decision was pretty expected.
When you see all those candidates it was almost obvious that Repesa will sit on Croatian NT bench, since Velimir Perasvic signed contract in Spain with Valencia and according rules in Spain he can’t be National team coach.
Neven Spahija said that he has some other plans and he gave his vote to Jasmin Repesa. And as you know Aleksandar Petrovic just few days ago named as a coach of Bosnia and Herzegovina National team.
Jasmin Repesa lead Croatian National team in period 2005. – 2009. and in this period his greatest success was qualifying for Olympic games in Peking 2008.
Jasmin Repesa is currently coaching Cibona Zagreb and I believe that it was plan in last several months to bring Repesa home in Croatia, to coach Cibona and at same time keep his eye on all players in domestic championship.
Photo: index.hr