Dragan Labovic about Dusan Ivkovic, National team

dragan labovic

A lot of negative energy comes from Serbia these days as National team of Serbia after so much troubles finally booked ticket to EuroBasket 2013 in Slovenia.

After bad presentation at Qualifications for EuroBasket 2013, large number of Basketball fans in Serbia criticized National team players but coach as well.

After this, some of Serbian National team players issued several statements in media and replied to fans. It was ridiculous to read what professional players said to fans.

Newest happening is that Dragan Labovic, from time-to-time player in National team of Serbia verbaly “attacked” Coach Dusan Ivkovic and placed its opinion about things in National team of Serbia.

Actually, this was response for Dragan Labovic as Dusan Ivkovic stated that he cuts Dragan Labovic from National team since he was overweight.

In short, Dragan Labovic criticized things in and around Serbian National team, as he said that Serbian National team is created by one known Basketball Agency.

In his statement, Dragan Labovic said that Dusan Ivkovic is not successful coach, despite two Euroleague titles, because as Labovic said Dusan Ivkovic spent 970 millions of Euros.

Dragan Labovic talked about his career, and said that he not playing for the best European teams, but have more playing minutes than 80% of Serbian National team players.

Labovic also commented how Serbian National team played in Qualifications and he said that Ball is always at Teodosic, he will pass to Krstic, and nothing changed.

Serbian Basketball fans are divided again, and it is nothing new. Some of them supports every single word that Labovic said to Ivkovic.

On the other hand, there are others who giving endless support to Coach Dusan Ivkovic and his philosophy.

We will try to stay independent in this case, since we remember last year 3-round “fight” between Dusan Ivkovic and Darko Milicic. You may read more about it here: Round 1, Round 2, Round 3.

I am sure that things like this cannot bring much good things, but at least maybe this will stimulate people from Basketball Federation of Serbia to analyze things, results in Qualifications and make some decisions.

Photo:  sport.blic.rs