ABA Adriatic league Final 4, destination unknown

Scheduled for April 25 – 27, it is still unknown where Final 4 tournament in ABA Adriatic league will be played.
It is another one failure of ABA Adriatic league board after shameful mess they caused with wrong interpretation of Official Euroleague proposition.
March 1 was deadline for ABA Adriatic league Final 4 destination, but as you can see, it is still unknown.
Beograd would like to host this Final 4 tournament, but according to last informations from Serbian sources, Dragan Djilas, president of Serbian Basketball Federation said that Belgrade is not able to pay 100.000 Euros as a host.
Dragan Djilas added: “We would offer free of charge Belgrade Arena or Pionir Sport hall. We requested that ABA Adriatic league pay insurance of possible damage of Arenas.”
CEO of ABA Adriatic league, Roman Lisac said that even he respects Dragan Djilas and his wish that Belgrade host ABA Adriatic league Final 4 tournament, this offer is small.
Beside Belgrade, three more cities expresses interest to host ABA Adriatic league Final 4 tournament, Laktasi (Bosnia and Herzegvina), Skopje (F.Y.R of Macedonia) and Nis (Serbia).
Laktasi, home court of current ABA Adriatic league leader Igokea. Skopje is home court of MZT Skopje and Nis, has no team in ABA Adriatic league.
If you ask me, I believe that Laktasi would be an great option. Igokea deserved with this season performance to play this Final tournament at home, at front of its supporters.
We will see. Roman Lisac said that everything will be known until the end of this week.