8 Performance Qualities to Improve Vertical Jump
By Joel Jamieson
The vertical jump is a measure of raw power that is used widely throughout professional and college athletics as a performance test. It can determine how explosive an athlete is and if they can use their strength efficiently in different athletic movements. It is for that reason that many athletes look to improve vertical jumping performance.
Considering this, your vertical jump training program should include and focus on 8 key performance qualities to help you maximize the benefits you will receive to your vertical jump.
1. Control & Stability: Before you can develop high amounts of power, it is important to have a good amount of control of your bodyweight, and to be able to control minimal loads. When learning new movements, it is important to first focus on coordination and on the movement itself in order to learn the correct form and to avoid bad habits.
2. Range of Motion: Also refers to flexibility. You need to have a certain degree of flexibility in order to avoid injuries and to maximize performance. When it comes to the vertical jump, if your ankles, calves, or quadriceps are very tight, then that could potentially lead to serious injuries. On the other hand, it is not very useful and can in fact be detrimental to have a very high degree of flexibility, so there is no need for your training program to have a major focus on flexibility.
Read more here.
Check out following Vertical Jump improvement videos: